Wednesday, November 30, 2005

La Casona y el futuro de la APA en Puerto Rico

I think we have seen the future of the APA in Puerto Rico.

It is the art of giving to patients and their families by provoking better legislation within this enchanted island, a country only forgotten by hurricanes in 2005.

We invited two important members of the Puerto Rico Senate to dinner to discuss Senate Bill 468. Thirteen guests developed both the topic and a liking for the special guest who attended last evening.
But we have an difficult agenda to pursue in our goal to get patients who suffer from substance and alcohol dependence defined as what they are: people who suffer from a devastating mental illness.

As you may have noticed the 2000 Mental Health Law in Puerto Rico failed thousands of its citizens by carving them out of the definition of mental illness and worse, in denying them the rights and responsibilities of patients with mental disorders, as stated in the Law.

We must change that and collaborate with ASSMCA, our local Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration in making the amendment appealing to the government, even in the face of restricted funds. Funds should follow the application of ethical and moral and scientific acumen in improving this mental health law.

Thanks to our two senators who accepted the invitation and to the lady senator who actually attended the working pre-Christmas dinner.

We plan to follow up on this first off-the-Capitol session.