Saturday, November 19, 2005

NEWS from the APA Assembly

The Puerto Rico Psychiatric Society got close to success with our Action Paper. We got to present it at the Assembly! We appreciate the support from many APA members. At one point during voting process we lost only 15 to 13 votes.

Dr. Jorge Gonzalez Barreto worked incessantly at the Assembly for all of us. Compared to financial and other losses by psychiatrists in Louisiana and other Southern States after the Katrina devastation, our ability to pay relatively high dues to the APA may have been seen at the Assembly as an mini problem. Probably Katrina defeated us.

We will try again in May 2006 in Toronto. Canadian APA members pay less than APA members in the mainland States because of their different economic situation. Our situation in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is also different than in mainland States.

In the meantime pride of belonging is still here.