Saturday, February 25, 2006

Los psiquiatras se siguen organizando y colaborando

American Psychiatric Association
Arlington, Virginia

2006 Election Results

On 22 February 2006 James Scully, Medical Director informed the following;
The Committee of Tellers met on February 22, 2006 and reviewed the results of the 2006 election. The Committee reported that 9,819 paper and online ballots, representing the votes of 32.4% of the eligible voting members, were returned. Of these, 2,774 or 28.3% voted online. The candidates elected (with the percentage of votes) were as follows:
President-Elect: Carolyn B. Robinowitz, M.D. (76.1%)
Secretary-Treasurer: Donna M. Norris, M.D. (51.4%)
ECP Trustee-at-Large: Amy M. Ursano, M.D. (67.4%)
Trustee-Elect: Abigail L. Donovan, M.D. (50.3%)
Area 1 Trustee: Jeffrey L. Geller, M.D., MPH (59.6%)
Area 4 Trustee: Sidney H. Weissman, M.D. (52.0%)
Area 7 Trustee: William M. Womack, M.D. (69.7%)

I have notified the candidates that these are the results the Tellers will recommend to the Board for approval. These results are considered public, but not official, until the Board acts to accept the report of the Tellers Committee on Sunday, March 5, 2006.

Resultados de las elecciones del
Capitulo de Psiquiatria del
Colegio de Medicos y Cirujanos de Puerto Rico

San Juan, Puerto Rico

25 de febrero del 2006

Presidente------------------------------------Edgardo Prieto, MD
Vicepresidente------------------------------- Rafael Cabrera, MD
Secretario------------------------------------Nestor J Galarza, MD
Subsecretaria--------------------------------Camille Perocier, MD
Tesorera-------------------------------------Nilda Garcia, MD
Subtesorero----------------------------------Alfonso Madrid, MD
Delegado a Disciplinas Medica----------------Norberto Pellot, MD
Delegado alterno-----------------------------Ramses Normandia, MD
Senador--------------------------------------Ramses Normandia, MD
Senador Alterno------------------------------Hector Torres, MD
Psiquiatria forense----------------------------Raul Lopez, MD
Psiquiatria e Hipnosis------------------------Jesús Saavedra, MD
Psiquiatria Geriatrica----------------------- Carmen Rodríguez, MD
Psiquiatria de Adicciones----------------- ---Nestor J Galarza
Neuropsicofarmacologia----------------------Barbara Diaz, MD
Psiquiatria general---------------------------Erika Rivera, MD
Psiquiatria de Ninos y Adolescentes----------Richard Camino, MD
Contacto con la Comunidad------------------Jose Juan Rodriguez, MD
Arbitraje------------------------------------Dr. Jose Vazquez Sotomayor, MD
