Friday, May 29, 2009

Si usted pierde su empleo

haga esto

1. Deje de pagar extra por sus deudas. Si usted ha estado pagando las deudas frenéticamente, póngase conservador y guarde un fondo de emergencia.

2. Haga un presupuesto. Concentre en sus necesidades básicas de alimentación, vivienda, servicios públicos, transporte, prendas de vestir básicas. Los acreedores pueden esperar.

3. Cambie a un estilo de vida conservador. Comer en la casa con la familia leer libros de la biblioteca que no tenga que pagar debe convertirse en la norma.

4. Elimine el uso de tarjetas de crédito. Nada bueno puede venir de su utilización. Si no tiene el dinero en efectivo, no lo compre!

5. Busque un empleo a tiempo parcial. Haga todo lo posible para generar algunos ingresos hasta encontrar un nuevo empleo a tiempo completo. No se quede esperando por un empleo en la casa.

6. Piense en las habilidades que usted tiene y no ha utilizado y decida si ahora es el momento para iniciar un pequeño negocio o cambiar de carrera. Sus opciones son ilimitadas. (vea referencia abajo)

If you lose your job, do this

1. Stop paying extra on your debt. If you've been attacking your debt snowball like crazy, refocus that money and momentum to save a big emergency fund.
2. Do a budget. Focus on your necessities first—food, shelter, utilities, transportation, and basic clothing. The creditors can wait.
3. Cut way back on your lifestyle. Home-cooked meals and library books should become the norm.
4. Cut up the credit cards. Nothing good can come from using them. If you don’t have the cash, don’t buy!
5. Get a part-time job. Yes, they are available. Do everything you can to still generate some income until you find a new full-time job.
6. Think about your skills and decide if now is the time to start a small business or change careers. Your options are limitless. (See reference below)

Si se siente descorazonado y pierde le sueño y el apetito y tiene tristeza que dure más de dos semanas, busque ayuda profesional con un psicólogo, medico o trabajador social o personal de enfermería. Puede estar seriamente deprimido. Recuerde que hay tratamientos curativos para la depresión.

Si le llegan ideas de hacerse daño o comienza a beber alcohol en exceso o comienza a usar drogas ilegales, busque ayuda profesional inmediatamente. Recuerde que un buen amigo o amiga, un pastor o sacerdote, pueden ayudarlo mucho a superar esta crisis.

Lo que parece una crisis emocional que nunca termina, puede convertirse en una oportunidad de crecer emocional y mentalmente.

Dave Ramsey

En caso de emergencia
En su Guia telefonica busque bajo iglesias, medicos, psicologos, trabajadores sociales

Guia telefonica en la Internet

Administracion de Servicios de Salud Mental y contra la Adiccion linea PAS
La Línea PAS es una línea telefónica libre de cargos, que ofrece servicios a través de número 1-800-981-0023, las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana.

Si es Veterano, puede visitar el Sistema de Salud de Veteranos
del Caribe (Hospital de Veteranos) en cualquier momento para obtener
ayuda o puede comunicarse a la siguiente linea para intervencion en crisis:
1-866-712-4822 or 787-622-4822**

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Conferencia sobre violencia doméstica

La reunión del 21 de abril del 2009 sobre un Plan de Contingencia para la salud mental de Puerto Rico recomendó áreas donde cada uno de nosotros o nuestras organizaciones pueden aportar y se resolvió,

Realizar a través del mayor número de medios de comunicación, un llamado a la ciudadanía a actuar con serenidad, practicar la convivencia pacífica y el diálogo.

Promover los VALORES SOCIALES Y LA SOLIDARIDAD como base fundamental de la estabilidad y el crecimiento de todos los seres humanos facilitando la presencia permanente de los siguientes elementos esenciales para una sana convivencia:

Como PUENTE A LA RECUPERACIÓN: diseminación de información confiable.

Como PREPARACIÓN Y MITIGACIÓN: iniciativas de adiestramiento especializado sobre intervención y manejo de crisis emocionales y conductas violentas

De manera que mi esposa la Lcda. Díaz Gumá y yo comenzamos nuestra aportación con una conferencia el 13 de mayo del 2009 en el Centro de Usos Múltiples de la Universidad Interamericana de Bayamón dirigida a estudiantes de enfermería. Los temas incluyeron las estadísticas sobre violencia doméstica, definiciones de conceptos, el perfil de las victimas y de los agresores, detalles de la ley 54 del 1989 sobre violencia doméstica y muy especialmente el protocolo de seguridad que una víctima debe tener en mente para proteger su vida y su dignidad.

Agradecidos estamos de Lillian Diaz, MSN del Hospital de Veteranos y de Wanda Garcia, MSN Directora del Departamento de Enfermería de la UIT Bayamon y de Ramon Cruz, MSN profesor por la oportunidad que nos dieron.

Esperamos ser invitados por otras instituciones privadas o gubernamentales para seguir aportando con este tema.

Monday, May 4, 2009

de Presidente a Presidente Ibarra a Obama

May 3, 2009
Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States

Dear Mr. President:
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Puerto Rico strongly believes that your presidency constitutes an historical call from the people of
the United States of America for a better World; not only for us, but for all humanity. Your presidency represents a new level of social justice, a
major step in our continuing journey to achieve fundamental Human Rights for all citizens of the United States and, through our leadership,
the world.

The Right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health is a supreme Right of all Human Beings. This
Right is the one and only that truly allows a person the empowerment and enjoyment with plenitude of all other Rights and prerogatives, the
one that lets a human being live and die with dignity. Universal Health Care, with identical availability and accessibility to all of the inhabitants
of a state or country, constitutes a courageous and transcendental step toward the achievement of this Right. It embraces profound humanitarian
wisdom, and recognizes the positive obligation to care and to promote the right that all of us live and die with dignity.

For this reason, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Puerto Rico supports the implementation of a Universal Health Care Plan
with a single payer system that will finally bring social justice to all people. We know that for decades the realization of such an important
objective, undertaken by many presidents, has been impeded by exceptionally strong forces who oppose it. However, we believe in your
courage and leadership. We believe that the foundations and moral underpinnings of such enterprise are in your mind and soul, just as they
are in the minds and souls of millions of Americans who cherish such a plan as one of their most precious hopes and expectations. We are
ready to assist and support such a noble objective.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Puerto Rico proposes that a pilot program of a Universal Health Plan with a single payer
system should be implemented on the island of Puerto Rico. Hawaii and Alaska, given their contained environments and other social and
economical characteristics, should also be considered to partake in any projected pilot program. However, as Puerto Rico is the poorest area
in the United States, we feel that it will benefit more than any other area from such a program.

The reasons for choosing Puerto Rico for such a pilot program are many.
• Puerto Rico has a geographical area of only 9,104 km², with a population of nearly 4 million people. The population density of 438 people
per square kilometer is the second highest in the US after New Jersey.

• Puerto Rico has an unemployment rate of 14.7 percent, which is rapidly growing.

• Puerto Ricans had a median household income of $17,741 for 2007, making it the poorest state of the Union. Puerto Rico has an alarming
45.5% of the population living below the poverty line, compared to 12% in mainland USA.

• Puerto Rico’s public debt has grown faster than its economy, reaching approximately $46.7 billion in 2008.

• Approximately 500,000 Puerto Ricans have no health insurance at all.

• By comparison with the 50 states of the nation, Puerto Rico has the highest incidence of Diabetes mellitus (12.8 per 1,000 people versus 9.0
per 1,000 in the mainland USA). Among persons younger than 45 years of age, the prevalence of hypertension in Puerto Rico is twice the
rate observed in the United States (8.1% versus 4.2%).

• AIDS cases per each 100,000 population are 21.5 versus a US National average of 12.4. Notably the Age-Adjusted Death Rate for HIV Disease
in 2005 was 14.4 for 100,000 inhabitants for Puerto Rico versus an average of 4.2 for mainland USA.

• The Influenza vaccination rate for people older than 65 years is 32% in Puerto Rico versus 72% in mainland USA.

On April 17th 2009, the University of Puerto Rico’s Humacao Campus became the home of a Community Conclave. This Community Conclave
is composed of the leadership of a wide variety of local and national organizations representing over 50% of the citizens of Puerto Rico. On
that occasion, a Universal Health Plan was declared a top priority for the people of Puerto Rico. This declaration is now being taken to all local
and national authorities, in order to support its implementation by the year 2010.
Recently WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan stated: “A world that is greatly out of balance in matters of health is neither stable nor
secure…the core strategy for tackling inequalities is to move towards universal coverage in a spirit of equity, social justice, and solidarity.

Fairness and efficiency in service delivery are overarching goals…with the costs of health care rising and systems for financial protection in
disarray, personal expenditures on health now push more than 100 million people below the poverty line each year…” A pilot program of a
Universal Health Insurance Plan with a single payer run in Puerto Rico is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the benefits of universal

Please let Puerto Rico be the front line of a noble endeavor. Let the fifty states learn through the Puerto Rican experience how a Universal
Health Care Plan with a single payer system can bring social justice to all citizens, regardless of their income, age, gender or health conditions.
Please let Puerto Rico be an important player in the implementation of universal coverage, an accomplishment of your administration that
will become an historical milestone toward the achievement of social justice for all American People.

Eduardo Ibarra MD
Puertorican College of Physicians and Surgeons

This letter to Honorable President Barack Obama was published by El Nuevo Dia on 3 May 2009.

things I can do to maintain quality of life

Sunday, May 3, 2009

La soledad del Solista

La pelicula El Solista es una historia triste. No se las voy a contar. Es mejor ir a verla con su familia.

Dice en realidad mucho del sentido de responsabilidad por los desvalidos, de los talentos ocultos de los pobres, de los altibajos del funcionamiento de las personas afectadas por algun trastorno mental severo, y dice mucho sobre el drama humano asociado a los mecanismos psicologicos para manejar la angustia: la psicosis es uno de ellos. El altruismo es uno mejor aceptado.

Los refiero a la busqueda arriba y escriba 10 elementos
para que repasen los diez elementos fundamentales de la recuperacion de un trastorno mental.